MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Beaver Police Department is to provide lawful and impartial police service to all members of the community. We will do this by delivering police services free from special interests, interference or pressures and, at the same time, by remaining responsive to legitimate requests of the community. All police officers will conduct themselves in accordance with the highest possible professional, legal and ethical standards. We will be forthright in informing the public of the dangers of crime and how citizens can join with the department in minimizing loss of life and property that occurs through crime. The Beaver Police Department recognizes community policing enhances all our efforts to serve the citizens of Beaver Township.

Community Policing
VALUES: Values are the foundation for the Department's philosophy of service, mission statement, goals and objectives and ultimately the performance of each individual employee and the Department as a whole. As such the department has adopted the following values: • The Department strives to make the best use of its available resources. • The Department requires the highest standards of integrity and professionalism from its members. • The Department recognizes the use of technology and its application to public safety management and operations. • The Department is dedicated to providing all its members with a positive working environment. • The Department recognizes that teamwork is essential to fulfilling our mission. • The Department will assertively investigate criminal activity while ensuring the rights of individuals are not violated. • The development of a safe and secure community is a responsibility that is shared by the public, police and other governmental agencies.